STARZ TV NETWORK curriculum focuses on acting character development to become as skilled, as imaginative and as expressive as you can be. We have found that what makes young actors ready to take on this challange is talent, vivid immagination, dedication, curiosity, generosity and the ability to grow. Perspective and complex life experiences define how an individual intersects and meets a particular challange. What counts here is courage, playfullness, self-discipline, and the willingness not to know.
STARZ actors will develop their skills, craft, artistry and humanity. Our stars are commited to help you cultivate awareness, your own artistic and personal point of view. As an actor you are on a life long journey, changing your inner attitude towards daily experiences. As you mature, so does your approach to characters you develop to portray reality. At the beginning you need to acquire tools and techniques that will deepen the instincts you already have and open up new practices of awareness, expression and imagination.

Celebrity Rehearsals Include

We have developed a unique curriculum for young actors focused on achieving success in the 21st century entertainment industry. While training young actors for a career in the theater is great, Starz Tv Network focuses on immersing the talent in the fundamentals of acting while guiding them in making the transition from stage to screen. There are more platforms and mediums available to aspiring actors than ever before, with web series becoming an increasingly promising alternative for actors to get their big break. Starz in collaboration with Stars from popular Disney & Nickelodeon Shows has created practical acting curriculum for the modern world.

Your marketing plan plays an extremely important role in your success as an actor, model, singer or a dancer. You could be the most talented and super good looking performer, with tremendeous passion for the arts, but if you don't know how to market yourself properly to industry decision makers, your looks and talent will go unnoticed. As an actor you are an artist and an entrepreneur. You are the owner of your business, and the business is YOU!

Theatrical cold reading is reading aloud from a script or other text with little or no rehearsal, practice or study in advance. Sometimes also referred to as sight reading, it is a technique by actors and other performer in theatre, television and film performance fields. Cold readings are employed frequently in actor auditions to allow the producer to get a general idea of the performing capabilities. Cold reading can also be used in conjuction with improvisation to gaupe a performer's ability to perform new works.

Acting techniques are the heart of every audition. Especially in auditions for Film or TV, you will be asked to do a cold reading. Casting directors will give you a script and will expect you to develop an interesting character right then as you are reading the script "cold" without memorizing it. 90% of the time, you will get a few minutes on your own to read it over.
Commercial auditions are challenging for most actors. You have to create interesting character enough to be remembered. Audition material or acting scene scenarios are at the most 20 seconds, which means you need to be to speed right away!
You are only in the audition room an average of 5 minutes. Just a few minutes to get comfortable, answer questions and take directions. This is your time to shine. Make the best of it and most importantly be ready. The right audition techniques will either make or break your audition! Don't be afraid and take brilliant, bold choices. You want to be true to the character you portray and you want to be remembered. The secret is: Always be on time, come prepared, focus, leave all bad moods at the door, leave your ego at the door, smile and enjoy the process.

Improvisation in acting is performing spontaneously without specific or scripted preparation. It is one of the core techniques used by actors. It stretches the imagination, sparks spontaneity and can lead to unforgettable performances.
There are number of techniques actors can develop in rehearsal to develop improvisation skills.